

In between raising a family, loving a husband or wife, taking care of your parents, is that hopefully, you’ll find some time to continue learning about life, its purpose and what’s in it for you. We’re constantly bombarded by news from all sorts of media sources, good and bad, but mostly bad. This is part of your learning experience before you gain the Wisdom to understand. Now, I also call this the Phase (or Moment) of Enlightenment, where you have not just one, but several “Aha!” moments from specific experiences you go through day in and day out. A big part of this experience is your involvement with some sort of religious group or organization. Now, even if you’re an agnostic, don’t worry, you will experience something that will make you a believer. Also, if you’re not already a member of a religious organization, but you do believe in God, doesn’t mean you have to join the Roman Catholic Church, or Lutheran Church, or The Church of Latter Day Saints, or some of the multitudes of churches out there. The key is that you partake in the religious activities within and outside the church. This experience will help give you the knowledge to gain Wisdom and understanding in this world we live in.

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